KBayDog said:I watched the show "Airline" last night, where the SW flight from Baltimore to Manchester, N.H. was diverted due to Wx at/below mins at Manchester. I found it amusing how the passengers were b!tching about it, and saying that the pilots could have landed in the weather, they have landed in worse, etc. etc. etc.
My question: Is it normal practice to take off at Baltimore, fly to Manchester, hold for a while, then divert all the way back to Baltimore (instead of landing somwhere closer to the destination)? Or does it have to do with Baltimore being a SW hub?
That will vary based on circumstance (local divert above mins), company policy and Captain's decision. I can say from lots of expereince on SWA jumpseats that it appears to be policy to return to departure point rather then divert to an open airport. I have seen this many times in the LA area. LAX below mins and they return to departure point rather then land in ONT under blue skies and bus the paxs. They would rather not bother with the hassle of arranging for buses, handling an aircraft at an airport on an off schedule operation, misconnected crews, etc. The return to departure and just try to accomodate the paxs on a future flight. I always thought that they didn't hang around long in holding waiting for things to clear up. They make a couple turns in holding and then return to departure point. Bottom line. It is usually cheaper to return under some circumstances and that is what SWA does regardless of what is better for that plane load of paxs. Hey, you get what you pay for!!