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A day at OCS

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Registered User
Well a bunch of you want to know what to expect I will try to help you out.

0500-Wake up
0510-BE out on the parade deck for formation
0800-PT which is the best part of the day
1000-PT shower and clean squad bay
1100-1200 chow
The rest of the day varies as you learn more you start going ouot in the field to practice stuff like navigation, hand sighns and formations, SULE 1 and SULE 2 stuff.
During the beging of training you will in the classroom alot.
1700-evening chow
1800-2000 class, bible study(WED),Uniform Fitings(thur)

Start practicing saying "This Candidate". Sergeant Instructors where green belts and PLatoon sergeants have black belts. Do not mix them up, you will get an essay if you do. Be confident when they are in your face if you hold your ground and answer their questions you will be fine. if you start to stuter or brake the P.O.A. your dead.
PT is easy if you are ready for it, if you scored around a 275 you should be ready the most you run the first few weeks is 3 miles, but there is alot of walking and marching and the hikes suck so some lower body strenght and endurance would be helpful.

OCS is a good time, you will remember the smell your staff and your fellow candidates. Take it day by day and chow to chow. If you focus on weeks ahead it will drag and suck. It is not paradise by any means, but remember that it is only for 10 weeks. I stress you must remember it is only for 10 weeks, they will try to get you to drop, they will try to convince you that it is not what you want. Good Luck. Man I can wait until I am back in the "Hunt".


PLC Jrs 1st Inc. Kilo-3
Awesome gouge, GTodd. I was surprised to see that there's a Bible study. That makes me happy. Anyways, I wish you and all of us applying/accepted the best at OCS.


Registered User
The Bible study rocks I was also very happy to see that. It is usualy on Wed. it is nice, the Chaplin is awesome!!!


PLC Jrs 1st Inc. Kilo-3
Hey GTodd, I have one more question. I saw where you said that the most you run the first few weeks is 3 miles. I know that the miles increase by weeks, but how fast do you think your (as in platoons, squads, whatever the running pack was called) pace was? I know you prolly didn't keep track of it, but if you were guessing, what would you say your pace was for the runs. Not for the PFT, but just the everyday PT runs. I just want to know where I need to be on that. Thanks.


2ndLt Charlie Co TBS
Thanks GTodd, I have another question too...do you call the platoon sergeants (black belts) 'platoon instructors' instead of 'segeant instructors' as you do the green belts?

Oh and taps is at 21:00 not 22:00?...I had thought the same as you posted awhile back, but a lot of guys were saying 22:00-05:00 was lights out...I realized that you don't sleep the entire time, but an extra hour to get stuff done is huge.


Registered User
The Company 1st sg. was huge on making sure this class got 8hrs sleep. Taps is at 2100 so you should get 8hrs sleep if you are not fire watch. A tip for studying, lettert writitng and any otgher stuff: Use the head or the laundry room in the squad bay. Do not stay in your rack you will get noticed and probably asighned an essay. Hey TNWHiskey it is 2200 not 22:00.

Hey Prowler ie EA-6B you call the "Black belts" PLatoon Sergeants" and the "Green Belts" Sergeant INsttructors.

Here is another tip chain of command from least to greates Sergeant instructor,platoon sergeant, Company Gubnnery Sergeant, and Company First Sergreant. If they are all togetehr make sure you give the greating of the day and than work form the top to the bottom. Woman of equal rank are greated first. Man I can wait till I am back.

There are three gropus for the runs. Rabits, middle, and turtles. Rabits are the 18.00 and fatser. Middle is 18.01-about 22.00 and turtles are the rest. Just so you know my company on avg droped their run times by about 2 min each!!!!!! I ran a 21.40 for the first PFT and ran a 18.40 for the second. Mind you I normaly run a 19.40 so it is still a improvement.


PLC Jrs 1st Inc. Kilo-3
How fast was the pace for the middle runners on the PT runs? About 7 min/mile or so?


Registered User
Faster about 6.30 but you do not realy notice it, you are so psyched at that point that you do not even realize that you are flying.


OCC 186 Bound
Great gouge, GTodd. Thanks so much! I do have a question, what is the longest run (distance wise, obviously) that we can expect to encounter at OCS? And it's good to see you ready to get back into the saddle so quick--damn motivating.


OCC 186 Bound
(I am post-whoring, btw)

I just remembered something from enlisted boot camp that I'm certain applies, no matter how nonsensical it sounds-- "The days drag, but the weeks fly." Recruiters use that line a lot, and I thought it was bull****. But I realized when I left basic just how true it was. GTodd knows what I'm talking about!
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