Because you're not aeronautically adaptable. That "S" in IFS is for screening.Imagine attriting at IFS...not saying it doesn't happen, but why would you?
Because you're not aeronautically adaptable. That "S" in IFS is for screening.Imagine attriting at IFS...not saying it doesn't happen, but why would you?
Imagine attriting at IFS...not saying it doesn't happen, but why would you?
Imagine attriting at IFS...not saying it doesn't happen, but why would you?
IFS isn't some joke program and depending on your instructor/FBO it can be more difficult than advertised on AirWarriors. That was my experience anyways. Don't go into it with the attitude that it is going to be an easy check in the box. They can and do attrite people.
- Do IFS, it's a blast.
- Consider finishing up the PPL before you start flying the T-6 (a few of my friends did this, they just continued with the contracted flight school on their own dime in A-Pool and before classing up for Primary) and your hours in the T-6 will count a bit more down the road on paper if you're considering the airlines. I know, I know, I'm going to get flamed for this, but telling a student outright to NOT get his PPL is advice I took at the time and now I wish I had done it before flight school - especially if this guy is already that close to it.
I picked up my private glider rating at Coastal Soaring while waiting to start primary. It was an inexpensive way to do some really good and fun flying.
I apologize for the gung-ho mentality.