I'm hoping to become a naval officer after I graduate in 2009. At the moment I am just looking for some advice other than my local officer recruiter and my Father. As of now, my first choice would be to go into aviation, but there are some things that concern me.
Almost every time I fly on commercial airlines, I get nervous. I'm not afraid of heights (looking out the window is actually what calms me down). The reason I get nervous is because I don't feel safe. I don't know the pilot, he has my life in his hands, what if he was the lowest in his class....all of these thoughts race through my head. I have the same issue with being a passenger in somebody's car (but to a lesser extent). I just like having my life in my own hands.
You may be asking, "Well then why the hell would you want to fly for a living?" Whenever I think about flying my own plane (of course, by "my own plane" I mean the Navy's plane), I get the feeling that it's the only thing for me....nothing else would suffice. When I think about flying in the Navy, It's a whole different ball game....I know I'll be safe, I'll trust those around me, and I can rely on the fact that everyone has been trained by the best in the world.(added for emphasis)
Has anyone out there had similar thoughts or experiences? Should I steer clear of aviation? This is something that I really want to do and I have become very passionate about it, but I want to know what some of you think about this situation.
PS...I want to fly the new Growlers or P-8s (cause my old man flew p-3s).
So you're afraid to fly...afraid to drive in a friends car...afraid to walk down the street (I added that one

Seek professional help now.
But to steer clear of aviation ...heck no...You should aim to be an NFO in F/A-18Fs.