If you prefer beer and women and ultimate frisbee on the quad with a dash of military here and there, go to another school.
Prowler, come on, intramural fieldball on Hospital Point is waaaay cooler than ultimate on the quad! '96, sir!
From USNA.edu
The 982 members of the Class of 2005 chose the following service and warfare specialties to enter after graduation and commissioning:
Naval Aviation: Pilot training -- 224 men and 26 women;
Naval Flight Officer training -- 75 men and 10 women.
Marine Corps Aviation:
Pilot training -- 64 men and 5 women;
Flight Officer training -- 5 men and 1 woman.
Surface Warfare: conventional -- 180 men and 60 women;
Nuclear power -- 14 men and 12 women.
Marine Corps Ground: 113 men and 19 women.
Submarine Warfare: 92 men.
Navy Restricted Line and Staff Corps: 20 men and 16woman, including midshipmen not physically qualified for the unrestricted line duties above, elected specialization in aviation maintenance duty, cryptology, intelligence, supply corps, civil engineering corps and meteorology/oceanography.
Medical Corps: 8 men and 3 women.
Special Warfare (SEAL): 21 men.
Special Operations (diving, salvage and explosive ordnance disposal): 13 men and 2 women.
Interservice commissioning in the U.S. Air Force: 2 men and 3 woman.
Interservice commissioning in the U.S. Army: 3 men.