Chris Hill
JEEPER1219 said:WOW!!
Did you even read the link that you posted?
Yes. I read it very closely. I even asked a question about it in this thread before you posted anything.
JEEPER1219 said:WOW!!
Did you even read the link that you posted?
Jas1029 said:......... This was using the advice in the first 4-5 posts. It is working great, and I look forward to any more advice anyone has on this subject. Thanks again!
A4sForever said:U mean --- U didn't like my post ??? I got a PT badge @ Pre-Flight ... but I owe it all to cigarettes, chocolate covered donuts, and coffee .....
(smiles .. to help your push-ups ... )
Jas1029 said:The whole reason I started this thread was so that me and others could benefit from advice on attaining as high a score as possible on the PRT.
So I ask, please let us get back to the original intent of this thread, which is giving advice on training methods to increase your numbers/times. It has already helped me, as since I started this thread this is how my numbers increased:
Pushups: 65 to 75
Situps: 90 to 95
Run: 9:40 to 9:30
all in one week...
Chris Hill said:Good work! At this pace you'll eventually hit the maxes.
On a different note, I just got some new shoes (asics) and it helped me significantly on running.
Chris Hill said:Anyway, I know some people that train in heavier running shoes, then run the PRT in the lighter shoes. The heavier shoes help build endurance and strength (make sure they're good shoes, though, otherwise you could get injured over the long term - just because it doesn't hurt now doesn't mean you're not injuring yourself).
JEEPER1219 you know of anyone directly or have tried this method? It is so simple, yet so damn logical. If anyone has known of someone or tried this, let us know how it worked out.
Geese said:Actually I don't know if that's helpfull, building leg strenth is important, but what is a LOT more important is building your aerobic ability/capability...
To sum it up, this may improve your leg/lower body strength, but I am skeptical of whether it will really make you any faster, or at least have enough "payoff".