Having a king, doesn't necessarily restrict individual rights. I mean back in the 13th century when England was an actual kingdom, Magna Carta limited the kings rights. Granted the right granted in Magna Carta were really only for the upper class, but it set precedent for the limiting of the rights of the monarch that likey would have been included in any US monarchy.
So in 13th century England you had freedom of religion then? When the King's rights were limited in the 13th century, what happened? The Catholic Church pretty much took over, imposing their will.
I'm talking about the "individual rights" that were supposed to be what set our country apart from any other. For many that came here,"Freedom of Religion" was the primary motive to brave the Atlantic and head to these shores. We already got one of our basic "rights" called into question yesterday. The Bill of Rights was an after thought..."wait a minute..forgot the whole reason that makes our Constitution different than any other...oops lets put in the Bill of Rights". Freedom of religion should include freedom FROM religion. I'm not saying that's where my beliefs rest, but hey, it's why we are America and everyone else isn't.
That being said, where are you going to draw the line here? It will be hard to break down social norms to make it vanilla and "all encompassing". /Flag waving rant.