For some reason I stopped getting thread updates - odd.
@NavyOffRec - I did ask my recruiter, but he wasn't able to provide much detail (which is why I came here). Last time I applied and went through interviews the subject of pay never came up, so I hadn't thought about it too much before.
@Reservist - Thanks! I had found that calculator and was using it to confirm my #s.
@bubblehead - Thank you for bringing that up - I had no idea there was a 20
week commitment to start, and my recruiter didn't mention it at all (even though I asked for and was given a year by year timeline). I was told that Year1 there would be 6 weeks of training, Year2 there would be 2 weeks of training, and Year3 there would be 2 weeks of training.
I'll take a look at the BAH for Newport ... does anyone know what the living costs are over there? Do officer candidates get an apartment for the 5 months, or something else?
Overall it sounds like there was a lot of information that I wasn't getting told ...