If you can earn it with a PQS part time in less than 6 months.. How much is it really?
I know it's a point of pride for many of the Junior Sailors to get it, but I don't put it in the same league.
Master's personal, not Navy Approve hierarchy of Navy Chest Candy-
Official BAMF Stuff:
Naval Astronaut (Pilot/NFO)
You had to earn it, not a PQS.
Submariner of any flavor, save the MIDs that managed to get a deterrent patrol pin..(E & O)
You had to earn it, by doing your job, and we award it so you don't feel inferior to the Brownshoes/Bubbleheads/Crazy People.
Surface (I can feel PSWs angry glare from here. I may get kicked in ye ole junk)
PQS for Pins. Really? (I realize some commands make this harder than others, and it may be closer to SWO in pain needed to gain)
Supply Pins (most boats)
I don't mean to crush the hopes and dreams of ADAN Timmy, but there is light years between NA/NFO wings and EAWS. AN Timmy is not the problem.. It when you have senior guys who seriously put them in the same league as NA/NFO/SUB in terms of difficulty to earn.
(I'm dealing with cousin's kid trying to convince me his ESWS pin was harder to earn than my wings, in all seriousness at the moment)