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Aerospace Engineering degree

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Registered User
I am currently a year and a half into my Aerospace Engineering degree. How does the military look upon people with these types of degree's and other specialized degrees? Do they tend to push you into one area? currently I am trying to decide between the Navy and the Airforce.
The following info is entirely based on observations/secondhand info.

From what I hear:
Submarine school, you NEED to have an engineering or at least science kinda degree.
Surface, nothing special needed unless you wanna go to nuke reactor school, then same as submarine.
Aviation, you can get in with history, music, science, and engineering degrees.
But the way I've heard it, you volunteer for subs or aviation, and if you don't get accepted, you go surface.


Just a very unscientific observation, but the AF guys seemed to be alot of engineering types, Navy somewhat, Marines....what is engineer?
semper fi


Applying for OCS
I have my B.S. in Aero Eng. and applied to the Navy. They turned me down for pilot and said it was due to my GPA. I think they weight your GPA much heavier than your major which is to bad for me. The Marines are a different story.


Helo Bubba
If you want to join the navy... Drop Aero and major in something you can ace while not attending classes....

I have a BS in aero and I make the sam amount of money, have the same perks and were the same uniform as all the guys who were in the school of arts and parties. The only difference between me and them.... they had a bit more free time in college and had a lot more fun.

Oh yea and for those who say it helps with API... It helps you learn to just push the I believe button, because API is very dumbed down, and in doing so somethings are "translated" incorrectly.

My 2 min rant


Registered User
I'm a mechanical engineering major and I've got an NFO contract with the Marines.

Gotta break down these hurtful stereotypes...


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
Originally posted by vegita1220
wait so that makes you a...smart marine? What's the world coming to?

Marines have a minimum NSS of 35 for primary. The Navy requires a minimum of 30. Who's the smarter service now? :)

/all in fun


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
You dont need an engineering degree to be a pilot. The XO at my NROTC unit gave us a brief on getting in to flight school. He showed us the breakdown on how they weigh your major and GPA...needless to say, it's not very worthwhile to get an aero degree if you want to be a pilot. If engineering is your passion, go for it (I dont mean to knock engineers go), but it's by no means a prereq. My XO encouraged us to pursue liberal arts degrees, or something we could get a good GPA in because that's what matters in the end (for the most part). I believe we had an aero engineer or two that wound up NOT getting what they wanted because of GPA. Food for thought. But I hear that the AF really harps on an engineer/science/tech background. Dont quote me on that though. Good luck.



If you have any sort of desire to be a test pilot or an astronaut, stick it out with AE. You pretty much need an engineering degree to even be considered for TPS, which is pretty much required to be considered for the astronaut program(in the navy at least). If you're doing well with AE, stick it out. It can open doors for you that other majors wouldn't be able to. But if you just want to fly, then go for grades in whatever major.


Registered User
I applied for engineering at all the colleges (heard from Purdue and VMI so far). The problem is, if I do get a NROTC scholarship, I was told that under the scholarship, I would not be allowed to take Political Science (which I'm now thinking a lot about). Now, if I'm accepted at the Naval Academy, I can take it with no problem. Do you know anything about this?


Supply Officer
Navy prefers engineers & people with technical degrees. When you do your service selection, they give preference to people studying more difficult majors. Right now, it isn't a whole lot of weight, but they are thinking of changing it to weight technical majors much more (thats what our CO told us after the last PNS conference).

Having a technical degree, though, just helps you get the service selection you want -- it doesn't mean you have to go subs, surface, or air. Submariners can be any major just like aviators (in fact, the numbers show English majors do better in nuke school than engineers!)

BUT -- if you have any desire to go to test pilot school and/or be an astronaut -- the AE degree will definitely help!!
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