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Afghan exchange SNAs?


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Worst I ever had was getting in the sim after a Saudi stud, the smell was almost unberable.


Super Moderator
Well, not all Saudis were bad. The one guy in my T-2 class would have probably passed if he was any other student. He was a little bit rough occasionally, but he was a pretty good guy and a decent SNFO. Always showed up to study, prepped for the briefs and did okay on the flights. And bonus, he didn't stink. He was definitely the exception to the rule though, on all counts.

A buddy of mine who instructed T-2's said the worst flights he ever had were with the Brazilians, they did whatever they wanted and often ignored the instructors. Scared the crap out of him a few times.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
The range of talent and motivation between the different source countries is amazing to me. The Luftwaffe guys are harder on their studs than we could ever be.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
When I went through, the Italians seemed to be pretty good to go for the most part, especially in jets. Though I do recall one fat kid who smoked like a chimney and seemed to play the "can'ta speaka da eenglish" game to the hilt.


Well-Known Member
I remember the Italians almost burninating the Whiting BOQ on a damn near daily basis and smoking so much my (then) wife thought I smoked but hid it from her because my room reeked like Marlboro Reds as well.

Of course, I got a trip to see "the MAN" because I had a quart of RC Airplane fuel for my RC Helo in my room. And couldn't use my oven because of them either.

We have a Brazilian SNA here right now, he's tracking along with me in VT-21. Nice guy, shows up on time, and does not stink.


"I believe in ammunition"
What is the deal with foreigners that stink!? Differing cultural norms, sure, but aren't some smells universally offensive?


In the Ht's I was flying with a Saudi IP during Ramadan, so we got a late start. He gave me this "coffee" during the brief. I like coffee, it doesn't effect me caffeine wise. I was awake for 2 days straight, it was shenanigans!


Well-Known Member
What is the deal with foreigners that stink!? Differing cultural norms, sure, but aren't some smells universally offensive?
There was one Italian stud that was going through with me (HT's I think, can't remember) that didn't stink. Most of the other foreign studs did. I asked him once, and they way he explained it was purely a learned behavior based on financials. Hot water heaters in Europe are much smaller, and the cost to heat a small hot water heater is incredibly expensive, so they tend to not shower every day in Europe. He then went on to say that the other guys were all doing what they were accustomed to doing, but that when he realized he didn't have to pay for hot water - he started taking 2 or more showers a day.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
"And I'm PROUD to be an American, where at least hot water's free/and I won't forget the men who've died, to give Dial soap to me/and I'll gladly stand UP/next to you 'cause we're smoke-free today/And there ain't no doubt I love this land...God bless the USA..."


Well-Known Member
"And I'm PROUD to be an American, where at least hot water's free/and I won't forget the men who've died, to give Dial soap to me/and I'll gladly stand UP/next to you 'cause we're smoke-free today/And there ain't no doubt I love this land...God bless the USA..."

I guess Lee Greenwood got it wrong... :D


Super *********
Super Moderator
I'm the OIC for the prep school, right now for Saudi's, at Whiting. I normaly don't fly with them, conflict of interest and all. I did one time. However, from what I've experienced, they normally smell like cologne. They use it quite a bit. I did brief with an Italian who smelled so damn bad. The flight was cnx for weather or something but I almost cnx it just so he could go take a shower. His breath smelled like burnt hair on shit. Horrible :eek: