As a mother, I would totally agree with the idea of NOT letting a girlfriend (or boyfriend) influence your decisions. But, Integer, the line "There are no ifs..." I think that's too black and white. I think that you kids need to really think about all of your opportunities and weigh the pros and cons. I have already seen many kids at the NAPS indoctrination totally joyless; and most were totally gung-ho and sure of themselves and their decision. They are already turning the corner, but I think you have to look at all aspects of your life and what you want to be (or at least what you think you want to be) and then make a decision. A person who looks at all aspects of opportunities instead of blindly being beholden to the academies isn't being realistic in my opinion.
Anyway, keep your course and TRY not to let outside sources sway your commitment; whatever they might be.
Anyway, keep your course and TRY not to let outside sources sway your commitment; whatever they might be.