I do have a feeling that many of the people who are opposed to this would also take advantage of this if the situation was reversed. Maybe I am wrong, I don't really know since I am not in the industry. I just have a feeling that when it comes to making room for the new guy or a few hundred thousand dollars more to buy a condo in fiji most would choose the later.
Are you kidding me, I'd retire early if I could. Hey, it is still a good job, not great anymore, in my opinion, but good. Still it is a job. Someone telling you when to be someplace and how long you have to be on the clock. Me, I have a ton of things to keep me busy in retirement, including flying.
Speaking of flying in retirement, it isn't like all these poor bastards (including my brother in law) that lost pensions and were forced to retire are going broke. There are a lot of flying jobs out there for guys over 60. Heck, in some cases it pays almost as well as the battered and deflated airline job they got retired out of. Fact is, if you want to stay because you love to fly, go get another job flying something new and different to someplace new and different. That is flying for the love of it. Otherwise, you just want to retain your seniority and keep the job you have even though it required changing the rules after the game started.
The reason airlines don't want to force out guys at age 60 is because they don't get paid any more then a guy at 65. Most airline pay scales top out at 12 years of service. Capt at 65 gets paid the same as Capt at 60. But his pension payout and cost of training his replacement gets put off 5 more years. Basic economics says you would rather pay a dollar tomorrow then pay a dollar today. So now the guys left with pensions, and there are not may of us, will have the company come out and try to change the contract so age 65 is the "normal" retirement and all the guys wanting to leave at 60 will get a far worse deal then they would have two days ago. Hal is right. The pressure this will put on company and unions will make things ugly. It is the law of unintended consequence. In the end it will be worse for everyone, including the 60-65 crowd.