Why do you suppose The Corps hasn't converted their H-1's to H-60's? Not trying to be a smart-ass, but honestly wondering.
I think one of the main reasons was the parts commonality between the UH-1 and the AH-1, it would save them a lot in maintenance costs in the long run. That and they were supposed to be reconditioned/modified out of old ones to save even more money.
But I think the UH-1Y has cost so much in the front end that any parts savings in the long run will be pennies on the dollar compared to the test and development costs, on top of the delay getting to the fleet.
I think it is way too much for way too little improvement in capability, when something like the H-60 could have been bought off the shelf and deployed right now.
Just curious too, I had about 6 Cobra guys in my SERE class and they had nothing but bad things to say about Bell, very bad to work with. Anyone else have experience with them?