Two separate things here . . . the SELRES "transition" via wings, as I understood it back then, was you asked for it at Primary selection. If you got picked for it, you went to Corpus, did multi-engine, got winged, then went to the reserves and VR land. But I never heard of anyone getting sent there from jet land; if you attrited from jet land, you were done. No redes, just done.
My point in bringing up 1305s was that in my later reserve career, I met a couple junior SELRES JOs who were fallen angels. They got offered the opportunity to stay SELRES instead of just quit, but they were both 1305s at the time I worked with them. I just surmised that maybe the same deal was available in the mid-2000s, but none of us SNAs knew/cared about it. But if so, I'd bet that a fallen angel would still end up in SELRES as a 1305.