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<<alert>> Cc Water


Good God, no. Do not ever try that. Britas and the like are just a charcoal filter. The boiling requirement is to kill living organisms small enough to pass through any physical filtration. When they say boil it, don't try to go around the process.

No...they are not small enough to pass through any mechanical filtration. Several kinds of filter exist that are able to filter out even the smallest pollutants (viruses) which are much smaller than the bacteria which are the concern with the boil water warning.

That said, for the wrong reason your advice is correct. If you don't know you have one of these filters...you probably don't.:D Boil your water...

This is not good enough...

This is...

and so is this...


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Sheesh. E.coli having "short term effects" my ass. I'm down with that crap now, have been for almost week, and my head is still spinning. It's like SERE school in bacterial form . . . hope none of you guys get tagged with it.


It's not my lawn. It's OUR lawn.
A buddy of mine used one of those hiker micro-filters down in Honduras. The results were not pretty. This was years ago and I don't know of the brand, he just told me he thought he was safe.
Scoober, I'm sure you're right being that I've never heard of the under-sink model before, but even if I had that, I'd still boil the crap out of any water I was using. :icon_tong


Well-Known Member
Sheesh. E.coli having "short term effects" my ass. I'm down with that crap now, have been for almost week, and my head is still spinning. It's like SERE school in bacterial form . . . hope none of you guys get tagged with it.


I am dealing with what the doc thinks is that as well.. How did you get it?

I feel fine, aside from the stomach cramps and explosive diarrhea. That and my eyes hurt.. I can see fine, they just hurt.


Well-Known Member
It's currently wavering between a 6 and 7 on the chart.



Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Thanks for sharing:)
Umm . . . yeah . . . no kidding. :confused::eek::sick_125:

That said, the docs should be able to run tests to figure out if that's what it really is, and what strain. They'll probably just let it run its course since antibiotics kill the bacteria while they're still in your gut, thus releasing more toxins that if you flush them out naturally. It sucks, no two ways around it . . .

Think I got mine at some dive bar down by the Space Needle. Suckered me in with pale ale and pot roast. Sheesh . . .


Well-Known Member
If it makes you feel any better MB, I was about a number 8 or 9 on that chart (yes, it was that bad) after getting some bad Lamb Tandori in Yuma during WTI. I actually had to pull myself off the flight schedule for the first time in my life (it was pretty regular, about every 5-10 minutes).


Well-Known Member
Ah, yes, being off the chart. When its no longer brown, an you are essentially expelling stomach acid... BTDT as well.


Gitty Up!
Ok, the depths of depravity have been fully explored. I mean, come on, a stool quality chart? Do you bring the chart to the bowl or do you bring a sample to the chart? When does "floater" and "sinker" get calculated?

Can we develop a Not Safe For Weak Stomachs tag for certain threads? That being said, my bran and coffee breakfast usually gives me a nice custard like movement that is utterly satisfying.