dsweeney, with the bazillion or so accronyms, you were probably thinking SI - Special Intelligence and got the two wrapped around each other. It's easy to do.
chelu55, if you're applying for a rated position in the AF (pilot, nav, ABM) OR you have a tech degree you can apply to any board. If you're looking for a non-rated, non-tech board, there are only 2 per year. Sorry for the confusion. Basically, if you want to fly, you can apply to any board but what the recruiter told you is pretty much right, though not entirely. The pilot's license and hours are not a requirement, but damn near it. Your chances are pretty slim without it, but not impossible.
04Hopeful, feel free to PM me with any questions you have. I'll answer all I can.
chelu55, if you're applying for a rated position in the AF (pilot, nav, ABM) OR you have a tech degree you can apply to any board. If you're looking for a non-rated, non-tech board, there are only 2 per year. Sorry for the confusion. Basically, if you want to fly, you can apply to any board but what the recruiter told you is pretty much right, though not entirely. The pilot's license and hours are not a requirement, but damn near it. Your chances are pretty slim without it, but not impossible.
04Hopeful, feel free to PM me with any questions you have. I'll answer all I can.