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Amb John Bolton Schools Democrats


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Slammer2 said:
downloaded real player but still couldnt do anything. do you have to go find the website through the player or should you just be able to click on the link normally and have the player open up??
You know, it doesn't work on my desktop, but seems fine on my laptop - kooky. My only advice would be to try it on another computer (work/school/laptop/etc) - it's well worth the hassle.


The Chief

CommodoreMid said:
My computer is being retarded so I can't see the video. Which MD congressman is it so I can be ashamed of him being from my state? Somehow I doubt it's mine- I got Roscoe Bartlett...

Chris Van Hollen, 8th District; Montgomery County.

Same "fellow" whose policies include:

Supports the right of teenager to have an abortion on demand without parental notification.

Supports prohibition of U.S. Armed Forces recruiters from speaking to high school seniors without parental notification.

Just seems dishonest to hold both positions, simultaneously. Teenager are either responsible or not responsible.:eek:


Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
The Chief said:
Chris Van Hollen, 8th District; Montgomery County.

Same "fellow" whose policies include:

Supports the right of teenager to have an abortion on demand without parental notification.

Supports prohibition of U.S. Armed Forces recruiters from speaking to high school seniors without parental notification.

Just seems dishonest to hold both positions, simultaneously. Teenager are either responsible or not responsible.:eek:
Actually both show a lack of responsibility to me. Both show that you don't have to worry about your own actions because there is always a way out either a doctor or your parents. Both allow you to not think before your actions. One involves the parents, one doesn't but both show lack of consequence.

Of course you could always think of it like this...People are only responsible when it comes to taking away the sanctity of a defenseless human being's life but when it comes to killing someone who well deserves it i.e. war on terrorists or say the death penalty for a murderer, it's inhumane. Explain that one to me, please. I don't think I'll understand the liberal unsupported defense though, mainly because I live in a world of reality and commonsense. :eek: I put a greater value on innocent life I guess.


Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
I caught this testimony on CSPAN yesterday and it is really worth watching. A quartet of smug democrat representatives get schooled by Bolton as he collectively tears them a new one. This is a must see - this guy is awesome. The video is 3+ hours long, but the good stuff starts at time 0+31 and 0+51, so just fast forward to those points. Enjoy:


Follow the link, then go to (or search for within CSPAN's site) the item titled, "Viability of UN Sanctions."


Bolton may have 'schooled' some Democrats but at least you don't have to work with his accolytes/proteges/former subordinates from the State Department. All of them are ideologues, some of the most difficult people I have to deal with, tehy bend everything to fit their view of the world. They have no place in civil service or intelligence. If he is anything like his former colleagues, well..........:(


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
I finally got this to work. What I did (in case anyone else is having the same problem) is click on the link from the cspan page, it said that the page can not be displayed and all that stuff. I copied the web address and then opened up real player and pasted the address in there and it worked. I tried that severeal times before and it didnt work - dont know why. I made no changes to my computer since trying it before so I'm not too sure why it worked.

Either way, wacthing the frustration was kinda funny.