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America's Dumbest Soldiers

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Castle Law for all States!!!
You mean If I eat Big Mac's 3 times a day and just watch TV I'm going to get fat?! Well, that's not fair! I"m sueing!


New Member
Can’t you guys see its McDonald’s fault that people are fat because they suggest that the super sized their order? We being naturally weak humans can’t possibly be held responsible for our own actions. They have a social responsibility to make sure I am eating healthy!!


Registered User
shoot the f*($%er

I'm sorry, but this is going too far in the "free speech" realm. ANYBODY who wants to make fun of people who die defending what they believe needs to be shut up for a long time or deported to some place where they will be treated with the same amount of respect that they are showing these brave soldiers. Fortunately, this site seems to be shut down now or otherwise inacessible. More strength to the NSA! (Did I say that?!??)

P.S. Just an Army aviator visiting,and you guys seem to have a great site going!


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
Definately taking the freedom of speech too far. Don't all of the protestors and complainers realize that the only reason that they have the right, or should I say privelege of free speech is because those soldiers are out there defending and fighting for it?? People don't realize what they have until it is taken away. Maybe one day people like that will wake up and see what reality is.

And while those morons may enjoy their freedom of speech, they must also remember that they also have freedom of getting their ass kicked. :icon_rage



MH-60S Pilot Wife
Super Moderator
Slammer2 said:
And while those morons may enjoy their freedom of speech, they must also remember that they also have freedom of getting their ass kicked. :icon_rage


Instead of kicking their asses, can we just force-feed them McDonald's until they pop? Or should we kick their asses and keep the McDonald's for ourselves? Mmmmm....french fries!
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