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another glasses question

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Registered User
If I wear glasses when I read, drive, etc.. but don't need them for other normal activities, would I wear them at OCS all the time, or only during shooting range, etc...?
The reason I ask, is because I don't like running or doing physical activities with glasses on.


Well, if you can run without it then you are fine. I don' t think anyone is going to force you to wear it. You would not have a problem with shooting because you will not be shooting at until you get to TBS. I think contact will serve very well for this purpose.


Registered User
I went through OCS last summer there were more than a few in my company that "needed" glasses and were issued glasses but never wore them. Just be consistent. Dont wear them sometimes and sometimes not wear them. They probably wont say anything.


Registered User
Clux4 said:
Well, if you can run without it then you are fine. I don' t think anyone is going to force you to wear it. You would not have a problem with shooting because you will not be shooting at until you get to TBS. I think contact will serve very well for this purpose.
You can wear contacts at OCS? or did you mean TBS


You can wear contact at TBS and OCS. I know for a fact that my rack mate at OCS wore his in the rear and wore his glasses for P.T and field exercise. At TBS, you pretty much on your own.


Registered User
I was told at OCS187 that contacts were not authorized. You could 'get away with it' cause they're not watching you 24/7, but if you wore them during events, you were risking a serious eye infection.


Marine Officer
From what I can gather, contacts are prohibited for training at OCS. I know you can probably "get away with it", but, honestly,is it really worth the consequences of getting caught, being injured, etc? First of all, they could probably get you on an integrity violation that could send you away from Brown field, and there is a legitimate risk of injury/infection/whatever. Granted, the BCGs are hideous and I thanked God everyday for my 20/15 vision, but OCS is far from being a fashion show: nobody really cares how ugly the freakin glasses are. Ya gotta make up your own mind on this one, just putting in my 2 cents.



Registered User
I wore my BCG's most of the time, but sometimes I didn't if I didn't feel like it. During one of those times I didn't wear my BCG's, my drill instructor called me out of formation during a march.

DI: Candidate Bighuggies!
Me: (I jump out of formation and report) Aye SSgt!
DI: Are you wearing contacts?
Me: No SSgt!
(DI looks very, very closely at my eyes, from several angles, checking for contacts. He finds none.)
DI: Don't you usually wear portholes?
Me: Sometimes, SSgt.

Moral of story: I wouldn't risk wearing contacts. You are told not to wear them. You are also told no food in the squadbay. Some one got sent home for food in the squadbay. Don't know if you'd be sent home for wearing contacts, but I wouldn't risk it.

And by the way, during the last week of OCS, quite a bit of people wore their civilian glasses and contacts. No one got chewed out at that point. They start treating you like human beings, almost.


PLC Candidate
I wore my civilian glasses for about a week, until I got BCG's, then I wore those. However, I only wore them when needed (in classes). They didn't mind if you only wore them when necessary, and encouraged you remove them if possible for events like the O-course.


Registered User
DBLang, (or anyone)
Did you know ahead of time (the morning of), what you would be doing that day (i.e., obstacle course vs. classwork), because I'm the same way, my visions about 20/60, so I only need glasses to see far away (chalkboards,lectures, driving), but the pre ship video looked like having BCGs on in the O course/mud was a pain in the ass to see....seems like it could make visibility even worse...so how do you go about storing your glasses, or knowing when to take them, or can you carry them with you in your pocket? Thanks


OCC-169 Grad
Officially you cannot wear contacts at Officer Candidates School (OCS). If you wear contacts and you are caught it falls under "intergrity violation." Now will they hit you for it, mostlikely not because not one is checking your eyes everyday. However, if you have a staff that wants to burn you for whatever, be warned.

The Basic School (TBS) doesn't really care. However, if you're on the rifle or pistol range you might want to use your glasses, if for nothing else safety.

I hope that helps.


Registered User
My question was regarding glasses (BCG's when issued), and what times we are allowed not to wear them (O course, runs, etc) versus the times I do need them like seeing lecture boards far away...in other words, when and where can you leave your glasses behind for certain events?


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
I wore my contacts at OCS the entire time I was there (save for a couple days after I caught a stick in the eye and got pink eye). It's not an integrity violation if you wear them, it's an integrity violation if you deny wearing them. Once or twice our SI's asked me if I was wearing them... both times I said "yes" and all they said was along the lines of "you know you're not supposed to, right" and left it at that (both times implying that it was more for our own safety than anything else). As someone who never wore glasses and went straight into contacts, I was willing to deal with the risk of wearing them over the side effects of glasses (different focal lenght, no peripheral vision, etc...) To me, these were safety issues when running and whatnot.

After OCS I had PRK, so it wasn't an issue at TBS.

As for those who wore BCGs at OCS, they pretty much wore them all the time or atleast had them on their person the whole time. I never saw any of the SI's make an issue of it.


Registered User
You said you had PRK after OCS and before TBS? How did you do that in such short time? I thought we classed up right away? Details please anyone on that subject (PRK between OCS/ TBS)


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
Shadow9660 said:
You said you had PRK after OCS and before TBS? How did you do that in such short time? I thought we classed up right away? Details please anyone on that subject (PRK between OCS/ TBS)

I did ROTC, so I had a year of school left between OCS (Bulldog) and comissioning
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