I'll gladly let the legal system run it's course, and I do hope that the consensual-then-turns-to-rape scenario never shows up there again.
And you meant to say that you also hope that the noncensual-then-turns-into-victim-bashing also never rears its head again, right?
Because I think it is pretty clear that both happen far too often.
I'd love to see some stats on rapes/alleged rapes at USNA vs. other universities. I suspect that if you could get good numbers, there would be little difference, but the "good numbers" part is likely impossible with under-reporting, CYA false accusations, etc.
The difference is that since the public "owns" USNA, it is under a microscope. If someone reports a rape at UCLA, it doesn't make local headline news, much less national. When you hear about every single incident at one place and only the most salacious from everywhere else, it can create a false impression that the former has a huge issue with sex crimes, when in fact, it is just another sampling of society. That's a issue only exacerbated by the fact that the academy takes every incident and immediately initiates serious disiplinary action, where as other campuses tend to let the cops quietly investigate it or even attempt to sweep it under the rug.