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Anti-Gay Church Protests at GI's Funerals


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
She don't know me very well, do she?

Devil's Advocate: (dĕv’elz ăd’ve-kāt) n. - One who argues against a popular cause or position, not as a committed opponent but simply to make people discuss and consider it in more detail



Registered User
Um...I suppose we could also call Schnuggap the "constitutional advocate." As he so clearly explained, these people were well within their rights to protest, albeit far beyond the bounds of common decency. I don't know which is worse, though: these protesters or the Lt. Gov. On the one hand you have folks whose message is bitter and insulting, but probably almost each of them has at least one diagnosable mental condition. Plus they're from Kansas--not much to do around there until the wheat harvest, and those are the folks who have declared science invalid. So, half-baked crazies waving signs somewhere on the outside, or a cold, calculating politician inviting herself (I believe it was a woman, don't remember exactly) to a private ceremony with the purpose of using my family for their own gain while shedding crocodile tears... I'd rather be forced to watch a NASCAR race...


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
IRfly said:
Um...I suppose we could also call Schnuggap the "constitutional advocate." As he so clearly explained, these people were well within their rights to protest, albeit far beyond the bounds of common decency.

Just so IRflie and Benet6243 know where I'm really coming from...

I would probably be the one to get arrested at something like this for physically attacking these idiots, especially if I knew the deceased.




There is a very simple tactic to shut these morons up without violating their rights. Just ignore them. The only reason that they chose the funerals to protest at is that they knew it would piss alot of people off and that they were sure to get media attention. If someone had gone over and kicked their a$$es, as good as it might feel, they would have been the winners.
As far as their being on the news goes there is an easy cure for that too. Next time your local news gives people like this camera time, make a note of who's commercials play both before and after the segment. Then just write a letter to that company stating that you will not be a customer of their's as long as they are sponsering that crap on the news. Get your friends, any clubs that you might belong to (American Legion, VFW, Moose..etc) to write as well. When some of these sponsers start pulling their commercials the news people will get the message.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Holy cow. Fly, do you still have that Back to the Future graphic laying around your server?


Pretty much invincible
Just watch her eyes. Those eyes are going to give me nightmares.

But if we must look on the bright side, consider what a uniting force she could be. Jew and Gentile, fundamentalist and progressive, conservative and liberal, all can agree: Thems is crazy as a crackhouse rat.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
In allusion to my former post, this topic was beaten to death over a year ago. Mods?


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
morality and legality dont always agree with each other


New Member
Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean it isn't immoral. Too many people lose sight of that these days. Not only America, but the entire world would be in better shape right now if we Americans would just stop for a second and consider our morals before we pull crap like this.

What this group and people like this group do is wrong. Ridiculously disgustingly wrong, no matter how legal it is. Anyone in touch with their morals cannot argue against this.


I've studied this group a bit, it pretty much consists of a very crazy, hate-filled old man and his extended family of just over 100 people who go around to various tragedies, such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. They wave signs saying "God Hates Fags" and say that God did this to punish the country for allowing homosexuality and such. It would be hard to find such a concentration of blind, stupid hate elsewhere in the country.

Personally, I'd like to see the guy ravaged by a bull elephant and the entire family redered sterile so as not to spread their contagion, but his group's tasteless and hateful acts are part of the price of freedom. They have a right to that stuff...which is not to they they should.

This kind of stuff enrages me like nothing else. I can't say I could keep myself under control if I saw them in person. Hopefully, we'll get lucky someday and lightning will strike their "church" and burn it to ashes.