As usual, Wink is right on the money...Because AW is not about most of the crap in the War Zone. AW is primarily about Naval Aviation and by extension, the Navy and aviation in general. That includes promoting the Navy and aviation (how to become a naval officer), providing mentoring for those in the training pipeline (gouge, and motivation from peers and seniors) and misc career advise for those well on their way. Although AW is entertaining, it is not a variety show of stupid human tricks, dumping ground for political land mines, or a place for endless Chuck Norris threads (forgive me Chuck). But the short answer is that AW is what the Webmaster wants. It is through his efforts that we have AW as an incredible resource. Although he asks the opinions of some Mods, it is his call. Right now he permits the War Zone but you get no credit for posting there. Anyone think they deserve more rep points or posting credit to be some kind of AW honcho, then post something that is interesting to those that come to AW learn about Naval Aviation, or is interesting to the majority of us that are already here, helping others succeed in their quest for wings of gold.