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Anyone else heard of Married couple both going through OCS?


Registered User
Am I alone by trying to go OCS with my wife? I'd like to know if anyone else has done it, and if so what to expect.


Super Moderator
Yes it's possible.

There's a couple that live across the street from me that are both Phrog pilots.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
JetJunkie said:
Ok, admit my ignorance. Out of personal curiousity... I'd always been told that you can't be married to / be boyfriend/girlfriend with someone in the same unit etc.. where does that apply and where does that not apply?
In general, that's a guideline, not a rule. I've seen married folks in the same command several times over the years.



SNA in Meridian
Well .... keep that quiet .... the staff will have a whole buch of fun with you guys!!!


Registered User
we had a candidate go through on my seniors platoon whose girlfriend was in Golf in the same session. I think the rules were that they could hang out on libo, but couldn't actually hook up or even do any PDA, etc-- the same way that any given male and female candidate weren't allowed to hook up on libo. I wonder if this would apply to a married couple, however....anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
JetJunkie said:
Wow. Damn.

Would they ever be deployed together on the same carrier as part of the same squadron?
This was in a P-3 squadron and they let them room together on deployment - I mean, why wouldn't they?



CAS Czar
Super Moderator
We had a married couple room together on a UDP to Oki, it caused problems. Percieved ability to get away with things/not have to do things (i.e field day) whether true or not hurts the unit.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
JetJunkie said:
In that case (P-3), would they ever assign them to the same aircraft, same flight?
One was an FE, but the chick was a maintainer, so it wasn't an issue.



It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
SMARTI said:
Am I alone by trying to go OCS with my wife? I'd like to know if anyone else has done it, and if so what to expect.

Don't expect to share a room...


Hangar Four
Ok, let me make a distinction here, the world is a different place at OCS TBS and out in the fleet. Out in the fleet I don't doubt that they are more tolerant of it and deal with it a little better from your perspective. At TBS the standing ORDER is not in the same Platoon, you can have married people in the same company though. At OCS I think it is not in the same Company, meaning that you can't be married with someone in the same company. Since each Company is on a slightly different schedule at OCS I would say that more than likely no, you won't be able to go to OCS with her / him. Now you may be attending different segments of your training in a similar timeframe but more than likely not.


Dean of Students
At OCS you may not have any romantic relationships or contact with candidates of the opposite sex. It wouldn't matter if you were in the same company, it's not like you'd get to sit next to eachother during class or at Bobo. As far as libo goes, I doubt you'd turn eachother in.


Registered User
As far as I know you can have a romantic relationship in the same command only if: 1. The command is grater than 60 people and 2. you do not share a similar chain of command (i.e. you must be in different departments) As far as going through the same OCS class as your wife... If you are in the same class by some fluke I think it might be wise to ask to be put into different classes.


Registered User
starr00man said:
I think it might be wise to ask to be put into different classes.

no sh!t. Just imagine the games they could come up with. What's more, I'm sure the LRC/combat course/SULE would be a f-ing blast if you had your spouse in the same fire team. Put it this way, if the marriage can survive being in the same company together at OCS, it can survive just about anything.