This article is very biased. OCS had its sucky moments, but they werent all that bad.
Now to dispute the article. Taps occurs at 2200 and if you go to bed at that time and wake up at Revelie, which occurs at 0500 (PT will follow at 0530) you will get a full 7HR of sleep. And on Sundays Revelie occurs at 0615 so an extra hour and fifiteen minutes of sleep. I went to bed at Taps (So drained that, unless you are extremely stressed, you will sleep like a baby) most days, and the only night I only got two hours of sleep was the night before RLP. The push-up part during a PFA is also a lie, they will only take away push-ups or sit-ups, if they are jacked up, meaning they are all half assed. They DIs arent out to get anyone unless you are completelly jacked up. People in my class that got called out the most passed the RLP on the first attempt. Weak people on the other hand werent so luckly and there are always those that missed it by ONE or TWO point. They do that to see how well you recoup and get stuff in order for the next reinspect two days latter. If you stay strong and fold your isht right RLP is not so bad, but yeah make sure to be loud and viscious.....! I miss OCS sometimes. I had a possitive outlook and I made it out in the proper time. Candi-O phase is the worst as, depending on class team, the work load can be intense and the lack of sleep will be apparant. Thankfully by this stage coffee drinking is allowed...
In reference to something else; as for the "Indoc Week" now being 3 weeks long, its just a change in name, because the Poopy Suits wear is for only One Week. The new OCS still a changing animal as they are trying to figure it out. I was lucky and experienced the slightly harder OCS.
And excuse my gramatical errors... Its late!