In the new syllabus the staff has replaced all of the T-34 specifications with T-6B specifications, but there was nothing game-changing; the laws of Newtonian Physics still apply to both airplanes. The real changes are that Lift and Drag is now in Aero1 and stalls are now Aero2, a chapter on TAF's, METAR's, and weather reports was added to Weather along with some other revisions, FR&R had sections added/modified, but Engines and Nav remained pretty much the same. The course was also condensed by about 2 days and they added a new 'PT Program' which takes up about an extra hour a day; which does not sound like much but adds up to a lot of lost study time. The Aviation History stuff is at the end, after survival training, and is nothing you should worry about.
Originally the the order of the tests was going to be mixed up, so it would be: Aero1, Weather, Aero2, Engines, FR&R, and Nav last but that was changed due to the Icepocalypse we had during Week 1 of Academics. Our tests were given in the old order of: Aero1, Weather, Aero2, Engines, Nav, and FR&R.
I believe they were aiming for around a June/July timeframe to implement the new course permanently. Some things may change as well due to the student/instructor inputs during the class so this write-up may not be 100% accurate once that time comes.
All of that being said, the same rules still apply: study hard, manage your time well, don't suck, and enjoy the little things.