Ha ha ha ha... I'll look you up in a few years Pat... "students like you?" You know absolutely nothing about me except for a couple posts on a forum, which makes you wreak of immaturity and insecurity considering your "predictions" regarding my future as a pilot. I've wanted to fly since I was 2 years old... have won numerous art contests by building model planes in the fleet, have played numerous sports and stayed in shape, went to one of the best colleges in the nation, and all to be a fighter pilot... all my life I've done this in order to get me where I'm at and I could care less what some insecure, jealous, active duty loser says about me. You're no indication of the types of people in the Navy because I've got a dozen friends that graduated USNA and none of them would spout off the crap you listed above. I seriouslly doubt you went to USNA, nor did you even go to a decent school... probably got into the Navy when it was easy. Pissing contest? You're on. You're the ONLY one I've told the way you "should be," as you put it.