01JUN07 for me, out of San Diego NROTC.
Gotta drive cross-country and be there 6 days after commissioning, lol!
Reminds me of the dudes getting ready to go to TBS asking what time they should show up and check in. There was always a couple who thought "Ill get there as soon as I can, I've been waiting for this for a long time" then they were the ones looking like they hated life when they got stuck with a billet on the first day. There is taking your time with getting stuff rolling and enjoying your time off, and then there is working the system.
as of right now their is no wait for pilots in API. but if you are a fo the story is different
Question: So what happens with the guys who are finishing TBS June 7 and have a report date of July 7? That most likely means they have to head down to FL and get in the wait pool for API/have a stash job correct?
From what I've been told, Marines are usually sent down there right away & just have to wait. Does anyone have any information on the situation for USMC pilot hopefuls at the moment? Thanks!