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Application Status


Registered User
Here's the situation regarding my NROTC application, I'd appreciate any help.

I turned in my application, did my interview, turned in the forms, and did the PFT and was told that my end of the deal was finished. I did this late October. Today I checked the NROTC website and got this as the status of my application. "Your application is at the Marine Corps District for additional processing. Items waiting to be processed: Transcript and Photo."

Now, I've turned in my official transcript and have had my picture taken, so I'm a little confused. Is this just what normally shows up after the application is submitted? Will it take a little while to update it as ready, or is something wrong here?



Is it baseball season yet?
Unless it says missing, I wouldn't worry... "processing" is a vague word, yes, but it is still probably getting through the system. If worst comes to worst, ask whoever interviewed you or whom you've been in contact with regarding your application, politely of course.

Best wishes.


New Member
I didn't do Marine Option, but I'm pretty sure you have to send in a full body photo and it's probably your responsibility to get it to them.

As for the transcript, I would say, check with your guidance counselor if he/she knows if the transcript was sent. If both things have been sent, then it will only be a matter of time before your online status reflects that.

Is your application in early enough to make the fall board?


Registered User
I didn't do Marine Option, but I'm pretty sure you have to send in a full body photo and it's probably your responsibility to get it to them.

As for the transcript, I would say, check with your guidance counselor if he/she knows if the transcript was sent. If both things have been sent, then it will only be a matter of time before your online status reflects that.

Is your application in early enough to make the fall board?

Well, I personally handed in my official sealed transcript and they took my official full body photo. Is there some other photo/transcript requirement that I have overlooked?

And I was told that my application was early enough, yes.


New Member
I would think that it is around the time when potential Marine NROTC guys are struggling to get thier stuff in to meet the [early board] deadline. I'm sure your web status will reflect the receipt of the materials soon enough.

Way to be on top of things by personally handing in the transcript, though.


Registered User
Don't worry, all it means is that they are processing those things right now. I remember for my Navy Scholarship it had a few things the site that needed additional processing just like yours. I freaked and emailed my NROTC coordinator to make sure I didn't need to send more files, but he said no, it just means they are reviewing those documents. So don't worry, just chill, and you'll hear back when they're done. By the way, what schools did you choose as your top choices?


Registered User
Don't worry, all it means is that they are processing those things right now. I remember for my Navy Scholarship it had a few things the site that needed additional processing just like yours. I freaked and emailed my NROTC coordinator to make sure I didn't need to send more files, but he said no, it just means they are reviewing those documents. So don't worry, just chill, and you'll hear back when they're done. By the way, what schools did you choose as your top choices?

Thank you very much. I was worried there, but I suspected that was the situation.

Top choices:
1. VMI
2. The Citadel (Accepted)
4. University of Arizona
5. Oregon State University.


Top schools were

Penn State

Accepted early decision to Duquesne last week...sooo.... I going there


Registered User
Excellent choices War Bunney. I'm a midshipman at VMI right now, if you have any questions about the school, feel free to ask me.