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applying junior year

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IF u apply in your junior year i think march is when your supposed to do it, how do you give them acurate info on like varisty letters, gpa ect. if you havent completed junior year and havent even started senior year? Do i just say i am going to get my varsity letter senior year, o i project my gpa to be a 4.0? So my question is can you apply junior year and then update it as you go, or is it better to just wait until senior year and do the whole shabang?


livin' the dream
You pretty much show what you have so far, and that is usually a good indicator of how you will finish out the rest of high school. Just like for college apps, you are expected to keep them updated with grades (I know that sending my first semester Senior year grades helped out a little). Just explain what you are continuing in terms of sports and clubs, and what classes you will be taking senior year. NROTC knows that there is still a whole year where things can change for the better or not.

Good luck! LG


Is it baseball season yet?
You'll also be able to explain your application at your interview. I personally think that my NROTC interview was the most sucessful interview I've ever had for anything, jobs, colleges, etc.


So when i go on the website and start my application online i should do the projected sports/activites ect for the comming year, or do i need fill that out and explain it in the interview.
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