IDC (Information Dominance Corps) these are the programs and you meet age requirements for all, Intel (Intelligence) moderate entrance, IW (Information Warfare) low entrance, and IP (Information Professional) very low entrance. Tech degrees are essential for IW and IP rumor has it Intel as well. Ask your OR will he/she submit you for any of these programs. NOR stated AMDO, I say you must have aviation background to be competitive. I worked private sector flight ops (manager) for years and my last thought would be going back to the ramp/flight ops. I like goverment work now, but the employees are spoiled as hell thought!!! .....Getting back on to track..... Hey man, my take is if you have some leadership experience it does not have to be on the job you will have a shot for Intel! IDC is stressing tech degree, but they are also stressing leadership. Your age will weigh on life experience just show leadership experience in your Mo Statement.