USNA rejected me.
As for the enlisted guys disliking academy grads; I heard it from an AF Lt Col, A Marine Lt (prior enlisted) CH53 pilot at Miramar, an Nrotc girl, an ex-F-14 pilot who is an Nrotc professor (I asked him the qustion directly), my gramps (ret MSGT), my dad (AF Major), and a bunch of enlisted army guys at a CAP exercize (who did use the irritating term 'ring-knocker').
Maybe I have been very unfortunate and I've met only met people who make up a small majority, but it has been enough to convince me, so that if I did get in I definitely wouldn't brag about going to the academy around enlisted.
As for the quotas, you're right. Gender is considered, whereas the rest are not. The 'second-hand' information is actually very accurate. I know the girl, she lives four miles away, sorry, I didn't clarify.
I honestly don't care about this enough to keep on arguing. I'm still sort of pissed off that I wasted so much time and energy to come so close and miss. For now, I have a thousand decisions to make, and for the first time in four years I don't have to worry about building a resume.