New Member
I might have FS... I really don't know... I actually think I probably do otherwise I wouldn't be getting sworn in this week... But yea my recruiter has been awesome
OK, now that I've cooled off and succumbed to the fact that I didn't get my packet into the past two boards, I decided to go ahead and start the thread for next month...
BDCP - SNA only
23 years old (24 on the 10th)
No PRT yet...used to perfect score my PFT's in AFROTC (80pu, 90su, 8:50 1.5mi) but still overweight at the moment and at 50pu, 50su, 10:30 1.5mi
3.25 GPA B.A. Political Science, University of North Texas
LOR's: AF O-6 pilot, Navy O-5 pilot, director of ops (boss - since my boss/dad can't write one), former university department chair, AF O-4 pilot/instructor (local Justice of the Peace/Judge/family friend)
100+ hours of unlogged flight time, including turbine experience...I was dumb as a teenager and didn't bother to get the ratings when I had the time to spare, lol
Roughly 50 hours/year community service, through our church or other organizations
4 years church musician/youth group leader
Former AFROTC cadet/flight/squadron commander
Good luck to everyone, hopefully this one will be the one for me too.
I might have FS... I really don't know... I actually think I probably do otherwise I wouldn't be getting sworn in this week... But yea my recruiter has been awesome
So has anyone received a FS yet? Last I checked, my security clearance was still pending.
I submitted all my paperwork for FS about a week after I got notice for my ProRec..FLTll how do you know your security clearance is pending? Can you check online or something?
I found out today that since I did MEPS on May 19, 2007, I will have to wait another week until it expires out of the system in order to redo it.
Hey since you work at MEPS, you might know; when i went last week, brought the surgical notes from my fractured jaw bone, they looked at my face and through the regs and gave me the ok on that end. BUT, the flight surgeons at final selection (wherever that is) have the fianl say for the physical qualfication letter. Many people have gotten in for pilot with retained hardware for broken arms, legs, etc, but im concerned bc its my faceWho ever told you that is WRONG!! Working at a MEPS I know for a fact you are allowed to re-phys 90 days prior to the expiration of a phys and anytime thereafter.
Its in the MEPS processing instruction... tell those idiots to look it up. Dumb asses!!
Renegade, last week my recruiter told me that the MEPS physical was good up to a year or some rediculous amount of time, yet in order to get into the boards we have to redo it every 90 days...why the double standard on timeframes? Or is it simply once you're in they don't want you to have to mess with MEPS again, you should be taken care of in pipeline, etc?
The Renegade said:According to USMEPCOM Reg 40-1 (MAR 2009), chapter 5, page 2, section “c”:
A physical examination for accession is valid for 2 years. The MEPS commander may authorize a new, full medical examination if the previous medical examination is still valid but will expire within 90 days. This is only done if the physical is going to expire before the intent of the original physical can be accomplished. The MEPS commander may delegate this authority to the CMO or medical NCOIC/SUP HT. If the original physical examination paper work is lost or misplaced, the applicant will receive a new physical examination to include a new drug and HIV test.
Hey since you work at MEPS, you might know; when i went last week, brought the surgical notes from my fractured jaw bone, they looked at my face and through the regs and gave me the ok on that end. BUT, the flight surgeons at final selection (wherever that is) have the fianl say for the physical qualfication letter. Many people have gotten in for pilot with retained hardware for broken arms, legs, etc, but im concerned bc its my face. The only note I found was that it would be disqualifying if the injury impacted the ability for a flight helmet to fit, whcih is not the case. Anybody know anything. THANKS
And to my knowledge, you civilians don't go to MEPS until your pro rec'd anyway. Is your OR want to do your phys BEFORE your pro rec?
Not necessarily true, though in 90% of cases you're right. Some of us did go to MEPS before we went up for our pro-rec. I hadn't even finished my Application before I went to MEPS. I went in the day after my ASTB. I also had my security check initiated before I was at board. The other officer wannabe there was gunning for something Air-Force, but hadn't yet thrown in his application.
Maybe we're the exception that proves the rule, but it still does happen. Just FYI