Against the general opinion as to my situation, I felt I should re-take the ASTB, so I did, and improved from a 6 7 6 53 to a 7, 8, 8, 58. My recruiter was impressed, and eager to re-submit.
All, thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement. I went in to my recruiter's office this morning to discuss my options. I told him that they can deny me all they want, but I won't take no for an answer. I intend to keep sending improved applications in until I make it. This is my dream, and I will pursue it until I make it, or am just too old to be considered.
Against the general opinion as to my situation, I felt I should re-take the ASTB, so I did, and improved from a 6 7 6 53 to a 7, 8, 8, 58. My recruiter was impressed, and eager to re-submit.
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone. I won't give up. I can't wait until the May selection board!
Congrats Navy-or-Bust. JT, sorry to hear the news. The next board is less than a month away. Keep working. Sooner, I know how it is to fight a low GPA. I started with a 1.88 my first semester. Keep working. You both will get there. Feel free to wait until the June board though - Im up in May. Ha ha. Finish the semester strong, enjoy the summer. It will work out for all of us.
Again, congrats to those selected. To those who werent, keep fighting. It wouldnt be worth it if it was easy.
Jt, congrats man..what form did you take ? It should be on your printout
All, thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement. I went in to my recruiter's office this morning to discuss my options. I told him that they can deny me all they want, but I won't take no for an answer. I intend to keep sending improved applications in until I make it. This is my dream, and I will pursue it until I make it, or am just too old to be considered.
Against the general opinion as to my situation, I felt I should re-take the ASTB, so I did, and improved from a 6 7 6 53 to a 7, 8, 8, 58. My recruiter was impressed, and eager to re-submit.
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone. I won't give up. I can't wait until the May selection board!