Advanced - VT-35
Just got notified that I was cleared medically. Should be getting a letter next week?
are you a civilian/prior or active applicant?
Just got notified that I was cleared medically. Should be getting a letter next week?
Hey, so why did you apply if you knew you'd lose the pro-rec? I don't get that.
Just about all Universities will take transfer students from Community/City Colleges regardless having taken the SAT/ACT, granted your GPA is high enough. When I was looking at transferring from Community College to a 4 year School Only Columbia University wanted me to take a standardized test, specifically the ACT, and not the SAT.
Got it!
PROREC'd for NFO and SWO. Waiting to hear about Supply.
Got the good word today...Pro-Rec'd SNA....Applied for SNA only.
Best of luck to everyone else waiting to hear, and everyone tabled for a later date. Now to work on the Final select...my recruiter told me I can get all my medical eval. done with my own civilian doc and bypass MEPS...he sent me all the forms. Has anyone else done this?
I was just wondering because something didn't click. And something still doesn't. I read somewhere that you already had MEPS cleared, so you were just waiting on taking the PRT. Even with multiple stress fractures, wouldn't running 1.5 miles not be that bad? I mean, sure, it'll set you back some, but you've got MONTHS before you leave for OCS. I would think that you wouldn't mind enduring the pain just to legitimize the pro-rec. I mean, if it was me, I'd ignore doctor's orders for that. I've had worse.Didn't know at the time - between submitting my application and getting the pro-rec I was diagnosed with multiple femoral stress fractures (damn marathon training). Doc says I'll be out of action for 3 months at a minimum, and my recruiter has told me that they won't hold my billet past the 30 days you're allowed to take your PRT and clear MEPS (which it sounds like I'll have to go through again). Believe me, I wouldn't have applied and taken a billet from someone else had I known back in March that I'd end up in this situation.
With further checking, it seems that the extra requirement for the SAT/ACT scores is not a BDCP requirement, but rather a requirement some desginators want from their BDCP applicants. I am applying Intel, which does not list the scores as needed. Although, I am sure having done well of them would have been a plus.
I hope they don't weigh the SAT scores heavily... because I did pretty poorly/average on them. Barely got into a University because of those scores... Hrmmm. just got to nail the ASTB I guess. Been studying for a good 4 months so hopefully I got it! So anxious to apply already
Yeah, nail the ASTB and be sure your GPA is solid, that'll wipe out any doubts they have about your scores from when you were younger. If you have a few blemishes on your academic record, by showing you've improved from that time you will get respect from the boards for it. I heard of a guy get non-selected, wait six months, and then have an interview where he showed his improvement on his GPA graphically, that as soon as he was trying to become a pilot he turned his academic habits around. Guess what? He got in.