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April 2014 SNA and NFO Board


As a pilot! I'd like the only time I'd need to swim to be when I crash or eject....so never :p
I don't remember how much time you get to swim the mile... But I was last one done and everyone else was done long before me.... I made it by a few minutes. Didn't know how to swim at all before joining Marines. I did the mile breast stroke or drown proof with a kick the whole way. So if you can swim at all I think you'll make it


Well-Known Member
I don't remember how much time you get to swim the mile... But I was last one done and everyone else was done long before me.... I made it by a few minutes. Didn't know how to swim at all before joining Marines. I did the mile breast stroke or drown proof with a kick the whole way. So if you can swim at all I think you'll make it
It's 80 minutes for the mile


hit the gym early today. thanks for all the advice. got that chest pump. just needed to do a different routine and add the barbell decline which totally burnt my chest it. thanks again.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
That's like saying the only time I'll have to run is when I crash...If that's the case my ass is going to be in shape because if I have to run from something to save my life I at least need to make sure I'm quicker than my nfo...and I hate running
ut, the solution to that, is just don't get heartburn,... er, CRASH in the first place!:eek:


Frozen Hellscape Survivor
Looks like we are going to be the bestest of friends in the back of the pack until I die after the half mile mark.
I'll be joining you guys. Three's company I guess. Ha. I am still about a minute off on the PRT. I'm working on it though, and I'll be there in a few months.


One more week down boys. I do not mind coming into work on Monday's so much now that I know it's bringing us one day closer to a board. Here's to hoping some more apps pour in this week and the PM starts to look at the calendar for a possible board date... cheers!


SNA Select
I've been working on my fitness as well.

I've got the 1-mile swim down to about 55-minutes (primarily breast stroke) and the PRT scores between "Excellent" and "Outstanding" for my age group (25-29 years). I should be good to go by the time I get to OCS/API.

Best of luck to the rest of you folks! Keep pressing forward! Cheers!


This is random but does anyone else get banner ads on this site for "Young Asian Singles" dating sites or the ad that says "Do you have these symptoms" and has a picture of a long haired coke-addict looking dude sitting on the shitter? They are the most random ads....wtf?


Well-Known Member
This is random but does anyone else get banner ads on this site for "Young Asian Singles" dating sites or the ad that says "Do you have these symptoms" and has a picture of a long haired coke-addict looking dude sitting on the shitter? They are the most random ads....wtf?

Those ads pop up due to the search history on your computer, so what have you been searching for on your computer..........:D


That is what I thought... which makes sense for most banner ads I get but some are super off the wall, weird shit...? Perhaps I shouldn't let my roommates use my computer....? Oh well, at least they provide some laughs....


Frozen Hellscape Survivor
That is what I thought... which makes sense for most banner ads I get but some are super off the wall, weird shit...? Perhaps I shouldn't let my roommates use my computer....? Oh well, at least they provide some laughs....
But also it just takes one hit to some tangentially related site to trigger your machine to be included in a certain category. Tell you what, open chrome in private browsing mode, CTRL+SHIFT+N and view this website. Now if you are still getting the same, then you may have some malware on your computer. Usually, adult oriented ads are a rarity unless you are seeking them out.


I have never searched dating sites, Asian girls, Asian singles, singles seeking Asians, Asian dating sites, Asian singles dating sites, or anything to do with Asians!?!? Before I get hate mail, I must state that I have nothing against Asians here..... this is going somewhere completely off topic. Even more random is the crack dude. Seriously, I will take a screen shot next time that weirdo pops on and you guys will laugh your ass off.


Well-Known Member
I have never searched dating sites, Asian girls, Asian singles, singles seeking Asians, Asian dating sites, Asian singles dating sites, or anything to do with Asians!?!? Before I get hate mail, I must state that I have nothing against Asians here..... this is going somewhere completely off topic. Even more random is the crack dude. Seriously, I will take a screen shot next time that weirdo pops on and you guys will laugh your ass off.
Your good man I actually get the symptom one from time to time as well, tonight I have Tide laundry detergent though...my life is so interesting.


Well-Known Member
I have never searched dating sites, Asian girls, Asian singles, singles seeking Asians, Asian dating sites, Asian singles dating sites, or anything to do with Asians!?!?

Maybe you haven't but maybe "your roommates" have.... you should inform "your roommates" on what can pop up due to searching for certain things.

I know how this would have ended up if this was brought up in a nuke division, I wonder how this would have played out if you would have asked this question in a ready room?