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April 2014 SNA and NFO Board


Not a meathead as I am only 5'9'', 155 lbs. I feel my upper body strength is pretty good right now. My main concern going into OCS will be cardio. I would like to get my running endurance up quite a bit. Goal is a 18 minute 3 mile.


Well-Known Member
I'm fine on cardio, was at about an 8:50 1.5 mile. Sit-ups are fine. Pushups can only knock out about 65, need to work on muscle endurance. I've been doing strength lifting so only low reps


I'm fine on cardio, was at about an 8:50 1.5 mile. Sit-ups are fine. Pushups can only knock out about 65, need to work on muscle endurance. I've been doing strength lifting so only low reps
Whoa. 1.5 mile in 8:50. That's intense. I'm at 10:00 even. But my sit-ups and push-ups are pretty much maxed out. Just need to work on that cardio.


Well-Known Member
Whoa. 1.5 mile in 8:50. That's intense. I'm at 10:00 even. But my sit-ups and push-ups are pretty much maxed out. Just need to work on that cardio.
I haven't done cardio in 3 weeks tho. So I'm probably back to like 925. Im starting cardio again on Saturday. Didn't want it to take away from my deadlifts, which I just got over 400 last night. Damn pushups are killing me tho.

So looks like my packet was just sent to CNRC. Does anyone know how long it typically take them to check for completeness again and finally get it to the board?


I haven't done cardio in 3 weeks tho. So I'm probably back to like 925. Im starting cardio again on Saturday. Didn't want it to take away from my deadlifts, which I just got over 400 last night. Damn pushups are killing me tho.

So looks like my packet was just sent to CNRC. Does anyone know how long it typically take them to check for completeness again and finally get it to the board?
Best way to max out your push-ups is to do a pyramid routine and do them elevated at first and then elevated with one leg in the air.


The best thing that has helped with my pushups.... is doing pushups. Make it a point to do 2-3 sets a day. I try to do 2 in the morning and 1 right before I go to bed. Add 5 reps to each set each week and you'll be pumping out 100 rep sets before you know it. For example, if you can only do 30... do 3 sets of 30, each day for a week. The next week, do sets of 35, and so on.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
As far as your OCS "kit" is concerned, I've heard that having prior flight experience helps a lot and I have also heard that it does not really make a difference at all. It is my opinion that any amount flight time gives you an edge at the board over someone with zero flight time.
Disagree. This issue has been discussed in great length on AW over the years, including input from numerous primary/basic IPs. The general consensus has repeatedly been, that any edge given by previous PPL time is on average negated by having to break down/relearn basic habits, to conform to flight "the Navy way"!;)
Where I believe prior experience as a pilot will really make a difference is after OCS during the academics in API.[
Agree with that, but except for the rare situation of resolving a tie between two applicants for the last remaining slot, the board pays little attention to GA flight time. Numerous Navy primary IPs have stated they prefer students with a "clean slate"!:)

*Not to denigrate prior flight time, it's an achievement, it's fun, a valuable experience, and by the way... NOT inexpensive. Mostly, the only way it can hurt you in the program, is to come off as "that guy", lacking modesty, playing the 'Top Gun" role, thereby unknowingly alienating your classmates (and IPs:eek:). Don't be that guy!:oops:


Well-Known Member
Confirmed in CIRIMS. Packet is in.

I'll add my stuff to the spreadsheet tonight. Tried to at work but it made me send a request for permission
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Ensign, SNA
Applied SNA only, no flight experience. Dad (ret 0-6 na) told me the NFOs get coffee for the pilots, so I figured it's better to be the best :)