Male, 26, 7.5 Years active Enlisted
Evals all MP or EP, recommended for Officer Programs
1st tour: Joint COCOM
2nd tour: Aircraft carrier ship's company
Current tour: Navy intel HQ
2x Intel NECs
Awards: JSAM, NAM
Applied Intel & IW
OAR: 46...
A.A. General Studies - GPA 3.66
B.A. Homeland Security - GPA - 3.78
3x Grad Classes in Geospatial Analytics - GPA - 4.0
LORS - 2 -
Former Commanding Officer at COCOM (O-7)
Former Intel Department Head on Aircraft Carrier (O-5)
Extracurricular/Collateral Activities
-Volunter at local elementary school
-Certified Command Fitness Leader
-Certified Command Financial Specialist
Officer Application History
First try at OCS program
FY-15 LDO/CWO Intel/IW - Non-Select
FY-11 STA-21 Intel - Non-Select
FY-10 STA-21 Naval Flight Officer Select - Alternate
-Hopefully persistence pays off... if not re-apply, re-apply, re-apply...good luck to all.
Evals all MP or EP, recommended for Officer Programs
1st tour: Joint COCOM
2nd tour: Aircraft carrier ship's company
Current tour: Navy intel HQ
2x Intel NECs
Awards: JSAM, NAM
Applied Intel & IW
OAR: 46...
A.A. General Studies - GPA 3.66
B.A. Homeland Security - GPA - 3.78
3x Grad Classes in Geospatial Analytics - GPA - 4.0
LORS - 2 -
Former Commanding Officer at COCOM (O-7)
Former Intel Department Head on Aircraft Carrier (O-5)
Extracurricular/Collateral Activities
-Volunter at local elementary school
-Certified Command Fitness Leader
-Certified Command Financial Specialist
Officer Application History
First try at OCS program
FY-15 LDO/CWO Intel/IW - Non-Select
FY-11 STA-21 Intel - Non-Select
FY-10 STA-21 Naval Flight Officer Select - Alternate
-Hopefully persistence pays off... if not re-apply, re-apply, re-apply...good luck to all.