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Arab Drivers pileup 200 cars in UAE, 8 dead


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Not surprising if you have ever seen these idiots drive. Driving with complete disregard for your and everyone else's life is the norm in the Mideast.:icon_rage Combine this mentality, traffic circles, and other archaic road engineering and you get this. http://www.yahoo.com/s/829698


Well-Known Member
Somewhere in Ohio there is a state trooper with a crash measuring kit and a hardon.

"Really Officer.... the cat ran right out in front of me...."


Solidly part of the 42%.
That makes sense. The news story is like a scene from the Blues Brothers only with more fire and less zaniness. They really are simultaneously agressive and careless. It was hair raising driving with them. On the other hand, Kuwait had some wicked sweet roads for going fast. Iraq probably did to, but they weren't all too navigable.

...I'm not going to get into but my opinion of traffic circles vs. traffic lights diifers vastly from your...cheers.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
...I'm not going to get into but my opinion of traffic circles vs. traffic lights diifers vastly from your...cheers.
Successfully navigating traffic circles is a lot like playing defense in the NBA. Rules to live by, if you are making the first turn off, be in the far right lane. If you are making any other turn, be in the middle lane. Let the left lane "play defense"/absorb a crash for you. When the car in the far left lane goes, put him in between you and the oncoming traffic and don't be homo about giving the car all she can take. Once you are co-speed with the circle traffic, you will only be killed by people joining the circle and people avoiding the joiners.....thus, it is beneficial to continue accelerating, to outrun the joiners and make it to your turn. The real funny thing is that they get their traffic police out by the circle to direct people when to go into the circle....this happens to be as random an act as any as the Arab mentality of total disregard for you and others comes into play and they don't bat an eye at throwing you to the wolves in the circle....nothing like seeing one of these guys almost get hit.....and you think traffic lights suck!?

Huggy Bear

Registered User
Just in the past year there have been two big 100 car pile ups in Fresno (about 40 mins from Lemoore).


Well-Known Member
and you think traffic lights suck!?

In Akron Ohio there is some sort of unspoken rule that if you are in the first car in a turn lane at an intersection when the light goes green you can go. Notice I didnt say when you get an arrow. No its not legally binding but the first 4 times I almost got killed because I was the guy doing it wrong apparently taught me to wait a second before hitting it.


This doesn't surprise me. Doha had giant ass roundabouts where there should have been traffic signals because they were so busy.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
This doesn't surprise me. Doha had giant ass roundabouts where there should have been traffic signals because they were so busy.

I liked the traffic circles in Doha. They're faster. You just have to "not suck". They guy on the inside of the circle has the right of way. He can, and WILL head for the outside to make his exit, and if you hit him, it's your fault. It's like Bristol in August sometimes, but without the beer.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
This doesn't surprise me. Doha had giant ass roundabouts where there should have been traffic signals because they were so busy.
I was always the driver in Qatar, which sucked since I worked night....burnin the candle at both ends with a Muff rep to uphold:D The guy who inherited the driving duties wrecked the night before he was to go home. He told the AF LTCOL whose car it was the morning he was on his way out....FITREP from the NALO in-hand! Seee-ya!!!:D


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
After living in the Arab culture for a year, accidents like that don't surprise me at all. They all drive amazingly recklessly and with an "I'm above the law" attitude.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
After living in the Arab culture for a year, accidents like that don't surprise me at all. They all drive amazingly recklessly and with an "I'm above the law" attitude.
It's scary when you look in your rear-view and see two Lexus SUV's closing on you....wondering how the one in your lane is going to get around you......when they pass, they have this snooty look on their face.(I might add that in Qatar, the citizens are given ridiculous stipends and do not work....without the oil money, they would be Nomad sheep Fvck...err herders...):icon_rage


Dubai is probably the least like the rest of the Middle East, save possibly Jerusalem. When I was there the driving was aggressive, but it was less aggressive than, say, Bahrain and the UAE was the only place where the Taxis did use their meters regularly.