First of all, I would call a COD pilot many things before "Sailor" came to mind... 
Seriously though, I personally take pride in our long Naval history, and heritage. And most definitely consider myself a Sailor and a Mustang (8 years prior). It is WHO we are damnit. NOT GEN X/Y/Z, getting your Montgomery GI Bill and working towards college, here for the benefits, "job security", or "step into the fast lane and see the world". We are all Sailors, from field day and paint chipping party member, manning the rails, standing topside watch, OOD, EOOW, plane captains, SP, skippers and up to the CNO. Read some history, the Navy and the Marines have held the sea lanes open for our country to grow and prosper since old Iron Sides herself showed what American Ingenuity could do (that and some really damn hard oak...)..... rambling incoherent thoughts from a deskbound aviator and SAILOR!
Also, Marines as usual with history and tradition, have the right idea, thankfully our sister service is good for some things!

Seriously though, I personally take pride in our long Naval history, and heritage. And most definitely consider myself a Sailor and a Mustang (8 years prior). It is WHO we are damnit. NOT GEN X/Y/Z, getting your Montgomery GI Bill and working towards college, here for the benefits, "job security", or "step into the fast lane and see the world". We are all Sailors, from field day and paint chipping party member, manning the rails, standing topside watch, OOD, EOOW, plane captains, SP, skippers and up to the CNO. Read some history, the Navy and the Marines have held the sea lanes open for our country to grow and prosper since old Iron Sides herself showed what American Ingenuity could do (that and some really damn hard oak...)..... rambling incoherent thoughts from a deskbound aviator and SAILOR!
Also, Marines as usual with history and tradition, have the right idea, thankfully our sister service is good for some things!