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Are you ****ting me?!

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War were declared.
I have a couple of buddies down at OCS right now. I was just looking at the OCS website trying to find some pictures of them when I found another amusing spectacle. Below is a picture of a MALE candidate that showed up to Jr's second increment. Can you imagine an OSO actually shipping someone looking like this?



I thought i was the only one thinking this way. Well you have to hear his side of the story to know who to blame. But you know the Platoon staff are going to love him, even if he was quiet he just blew his cover. I wonder what name they gave this guy.


When I went to Juniors in '02, we had a guy in my platoon show up like that. They made him get a haircut first, saved all of his hair, and called him Rock Star for the rest of the cycle.


Registered User

PSno23 said:
When I went to Juniors in '02, we had a guy in my platoon show up like that. They made him get a haircut first, saved all of his hair, and called him Rock Star for the rest of the cycle.

was that Candidate (name deleted)?



New Member

I doubt his platoon staff will even know about his hair. I was in juniors first increment this year and we got our haircuts on Tuesday a day before we got picked up. That picture is probably from the initial PFT. We had some guys with some weird haircuts, so I was kind of excited to see how they would get treated but it didn't work out.


Well-Known Member
Look, if the guy has to drop $5 on a mandatory haircut, he may as well get his money's worth! :D


Just a B guy.
Now it is 6. And BTW, those guys make off like bandits. 6 times about 300 candi's in 2-3 hours...yeah, that barber shop is banking. You would think they would take the time to at least cut the hair on your upper neck (OCS grads know what I mean).


Registered User
He's got balls, thats all I can say

"Quick Man, Cling tenaciously to my buttocks!"


Registered User
I saw that nasty, nasty candidate

We were marching back from chow one morning when the new six weekers rolled in and were doing their intial PFT. I was Company guide and up front with some of the instructors. They had a grand ol' time messing with that nasty soul. Not only for his hair, but he was the last candidate on the run for his initial PFT. That's right, he was bringing up the tail end and being advised to go ahead and quit before he got people killed!


Registered User
eh, i wouldn't worry too much about it. 5 minutes with a set of clippers and that'll be fixed. him formerly having long hair won't make a dime's worth of difference by the time he hits the fleet. someone being incompetant and getting a good Marine killed, or not taking an objective, etc, is a bigger deal.


Registered User
I was in the same platoon as that guy and the reason he had the long hair was that he was in a play before he came to ocs. Also you do get your haircut before the platoon and company staff even sees you, although he caught a lot of crap from the rest of the Marines during in-processing.
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