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Argentina moves to blockade Falklands?


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
They actually have about 1000 military personnel there right now, including a detachment of 4 Typhoon fighters, which can be quickly reinforced from the homeland.

Saw a sweet spread in Combat Aircraft magazine about those guys, I'll dig around and see if I can find a link...


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
As an aside, the people of Argentina are Argentines, not Argentinians.

Like Flash said, the FPV is in serious trouble, and the parallel to 1982 is, minus the Junta, is interesting to say the least. Regardless, any attempt to enforce this "blockade" would be national-level suicide.

The Crab

Just been discussing this with a few old colleagues and thought I would drop in to see what our American cousins thought on the subject, I cant see it all kicking off again though to be honest. I did a tour down there in 99 in Air Ops and they are always rattling on about getting the Islands back. At our arrival brief in June 99 an Argentinian newspaper was held up with a headline declaring the Islands would be back in their hands by the Millennium, the Para holding it up just said "Busy tour for you boys then !!", it wasnt although their Air Force did step up attempts to sneak into the 200 mile zone. That didnt happen either, F3's would lock them up before they even got close.

There are some red faces here in the Government though. I think the retirement of the Sea Harriers a few years back could come back to haunt our Socialist leaders. Plus the MR Nimrods are out of service by the 31st of March to save money to pay for more Helo's for Afghanistan. I was at Kinloss two weeks ago and all the frames there are allocated to either museums or the scrapman, a few are well on their way as the bare shell of one was sitting on a bay. And the REALLY good news is that to replace 20 Nimrod MR2's we get 9 MRA4's. And thats if they make it into service in a years time (already ten years late) considering that only one production example is flying and it is STILL on trials right now. Reinforcing the Islands is a problem, we dont have the tankers. It took most of our fleet to get the four Typhoons that replaced the F3's down there and that wasnt without incident, two more VC-10's from the ten or so of our one dedicated AAR squadron are off to the knackers yard soon. And anyway I dont where we would get the Typhoons to reinforce the Islands, our own Government says that the Air Defence of the UK requires 5 squadrons and we currently have 2.5 air defence Squadrons. 2 of Typhoons and .5 of a squadron of F3's. Because when the Saudis boought Typhoons the Government sold them most of our batch delaying the formation of the new Typhoon squadrons. And Invincible is anything but at the moment, its being used as spares to keep Illustrious and Ark Royal running.

Our cupboard is emptier than a hermits address book but then we will make do if we have to, we always have.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
The one thing you guys haven't yet mentioned is British subs. After the HMS Conqueror torpedoed the cruiser Belgrano, the Argentine Navy lost most all of its interest in the fight. British subs could do the same again, and there are no foreign forces on the Falklands now. In short, British subs can quickly make it impossible for Argentina to enforce any attempted blockade of the Falklands. Short of a successful invasion, I don't think the English need carriers, et al. That would occur only if they had to re-take the islands.


Registered User
I know the Vulcan raid was pretty insignifigant....I just wanted an excuse to post a cool pic.
If I'm not mistaken, the RAF also has a permanent det of (I believe 3 or 4) Typhoons at Pt Stanley.

The Crab

Its four Typhoons, one VC-10 tanker, one C-130, one Chinook and one Sea King at Mount Pleasant. As for subs there are probably one or two prowling around but when I was down there very few people knew for sure.

Here's a sound of the Vulcan for you Mumbles (gets good at 35 seconds or so) .. I just hope she makes it back into the air this year.



Shoot, man, it's that dang ol' internet
...words in a delightful British accent...

Can Maggie Thatcher take over again? I know her health is failing and she has dementia, but I'll bet if you told her she needed to lead something like this she would snap right out of it. Best I can tell, she lived for things like this little skirmish. Terrific lady.

Too bad she and Reagan didn't have a love child. That kid would be awesome!


Back from the range
Its four Typhoons, one VC-10 tanker, one C-130, one Chinook and one Sea King at Mount Pleasant. As for subs there are probably one or two prowling around but when I was down there very few people knew for sure.

Here's a sound of the Vulcan for you Mumbles (gets good at 35 seconds or so)

Not a hair on their ass if they don't put a Shrike on it and take it downtown ;)


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
There are a bunch of JPME professors wishing they could still get boners right now.


former Marine F/A-18 pilot & FAC, current MBA stud
Say what? Don't confuse Brazil's AF-1 Skyhawks with the A-4AR Fighting Hawk updated for Argentines. In either case, no AB.

Oops. That's what I get for listening to the old guy that works at TW-1. They do have fixed slats and glass cockpits, no? Or was he wrong about that too?


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Oops. That's what I get for listening to the old guy that works at TW-1.

Yep, that's what you get.


Might want to do some checking yourself next time...just a few strokes of your keyboard with Mr Google

They do have fixed slats and glass cockpits, no? Or was he wrong about that too?

Wrong on 1 and and correct on 2 (they also have a state of the art HUD and a 1553 MUX BUS)



Super *********
Super Moderator
What was it, something like 23-0 in favor of the Sea Harrier vs fixed winged aircraft. Most of the aircraft shot down were Daggers and Skyhawks, with a Mirage III or two, a Canberra, Pucara and C-130 I believe. A few helo's were downed by them as well. I think those sweet, advanced Skyhawks wouldn't fare any better against the Typhoon.


Apprentice School Principal
Phrog73, my bud....
the Limey's couldn't even come close to replicating their little expeditionary mission...the "grand little war" of '82.
Especially since these are gone..:(

THe Black Buck raid was pretty much indecisive. If they really meant business, then they would have struck Argentina soil, otherwise it was the expense of a lot of jet fuel to strike two targets the runway (and do minimal damage) and destroy a couple of radar sites.

This strike was the result of the Royal Air Force wanting to play and only having one option. TLAMs (which the Royal Navy has) are a much better weapon for the type of targets that need to be serviced in this area than land based bombers.