Feshy I just think HAL saw a red flag when you talked about going through OCS again. A commission is a commission.
That's right on, that is why they have an instruction on interservice transfer. I think he'd have to do TBS regardless though.
Feshy I just think HAL saw a red flag when you talked about going through OCS again. A commission is a commission.
Feshy I just think HAL saw a red flag when you talked about going through OCS again. A commission is a commission. There are many USNA, USAMA and USAFA grads out there who went on to serve in another service.
Chinook you might have a little trouble getting out of your obligation to your state. If your state has an Air Guard unit then that could be an option down the road. You need to finish flight school first. Since you already have a commission, the air guard has no SUPT age requirements. So you could be in your mid 30's and going through SUPT.
then who cares how many years in the fleet he has?
Aren't we beating the commission thing to death? He is already a 2nd Lt.
That said I know a guy who went ARMY Helo->AF F-16. I don't pretend to know any of their requirements, but I am quite certain TBS isn't a requirement as it is for us.
Know I was funnin' with you on another thread but this was just too good to be true... Of course he didn't have to do TBS, that is a Marine Corps specific school... so going into the AF from the Army would not require it... again just pokin' fun
chinook, a couple points to ponder:
1) Dont get into the grass-is-greener mentality. You havent even finished flight school yet. How do you know that what you have is not what you want? If you wanted jets for so long, why did you end up in Army flight school? A lot of people would kill for that slot, I hate to see guys taking it for granted.
2) On your profile you call yourself a pilot. 4 months shy of flight school graduation is 4 months shy of the right to call yourself a pilot.
3) Have you ever flown fixed wing? If not, how can you be so willing to throw away a helo job for something you dont have exposure to? If so, ignore.
4) Going back to the grass-is-greener thing. If you are not happy in flight school, you need to ask yourself what is making you not happy about it. IMHO, this is as good as life gets. If you still think you want jets, then heed everyone's advice and contact an officer recruiter. I can't see them letting you go, but you don't know until you ask.
For OH-58 Driver: must have missed your helpful post about subjects that you have no actual experience with so listen to someone who does:
Congrats on yor accomplishment! Generally an informative post; except... don't understand your need to drop that 'arrogant' little bomb above after 6 years? You solicited advice and Oh-58D responded and, right or wrong, took the time &-made the effort to help you. A kick in the 'jones, especially so long after the fact, is .... uh, questionable?