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Army flying

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CAS Czar
Super Moderator
The ground has a P sub K of 1.00. That show of force would have sucked if you caught a skid and balled it up in front of those you were looking to intimidate.
Im not saying there isnt a time and place to get really really low but a tacitcal need to get below 20 feet is rare if ever.


Registered User
I agree with you but my Aircrew Trainging Manual tells me that NOE flight is 0-25 feet above the highest obstacle and not to exceed 40 KIAS. I am just wondering if the Navy practice NOE flight and if their restrictions are more on the conservative side. Also the role of the KW is to scout and recon it is my job to fly low and provide cover and security.


KWpilot said:
I agree with you but my Aircrew Trainging Manual tells me that NOE flight is 0-25 feet above the highest obstacle and not to exceed 40 KIAS. I am just wondering if the Navy practice NOE flight and if their restrictions are more on the conservative side ......

NOE @ 25 feet? Not to exceed 40 KIAS? Naaaaaa .... that's not NOE .. !!! You must mean "conservative Navy NOE" like this ...... right ???

VA-52 Knightriders

Now THAT's NAVY NOE ..... smiles, all smiles :) and just tryin' to help understanding :) )

(p.s. the A/C is 54 feet long with a 53 foot wingspan -- see the shadow? Do the math --- dowwn there you don't even need an altimeter --- and he ain't going' 40 KIAS, either. :) )


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Green side is 0-50 feet under 40 knots but a little higher and faster is much more survivable. As for A4s in the glory days, its a good thing youre in the Airlines now because none of the fast movers come down to play much any more. I think the term is JDAM truck.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
skidkid said:
Green side is 0-50 feet under 40 knots but a little higher and faster is much more survivable. As for A4s in the glory days, its a good thing youre in the Airlines now because none of the fast movers come down to play much any more. I think the term is JDAM truck.
Speak for yourself. ;) Prowler LL ingress really flips people out at Red Flag.

Good times,



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
KWpilot said:
But I wasnt doing a take off or landing I was doing a show of force!

for who? the dude in the humvee?

just busting balls. looked cool.
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