Interesting hypothetical. What really happens would depend on the actual facts, but I suppose you could argue that two different crimes occurred, thus DJ would not be at issue. To make the analogy more clear, let's change the D&D to two separate murders, one off base and the second on base - two jurisdictions, and two crimes. Now, in reality, big stuff like that might mean the authorities would decide to try everything within one court, but that degree of coordination would be rare at best for minor offenses like DUI.TXHusker05 said:Brett, to go further with Bevo's question...
If Seaman Jones gets stopped by the local PD, off duty, just outside of base (on the way in) for lets say disturbing the peace or public intoxication (D&D) and is issued a citation... then Seaman Jones enters the base and is subsequently stopped by a military policeman and charged with D&D, does the 2nd D&D fall under double jeopardy? It was the same crime, charged in separate places with separate jurisdictions and a separate time.
It seems like in that situation both charges and punishment from both jurisdictions apply because they are separate occurances.
From what I understand that you are saying, if Seaman Jones gets arrested for public intoxication in a bar off base (especially in Texas now, watch out) and his Commanding Officer happened to be at the bar and witnessed it... the CO can not charge him with a crime, the most the CO can do is recommend counseling for alcohol.
How did you become a Legal Officer Brett, that sounds like it could be an interesting job. Was that your side job in your squadron?
As for LO, it's something your command is going to decide for you and send you to the school. Schnugg is right to a certain extent, but LO gets a bad rap. It is one of the most challenging JO jobs, but the advantages are that you learn a whole bunch about how the military justice system works, plus you get a ton of face time with the front office, so assuming you don't screw your job away, that can be a great opportunity to shine in their eyes. Definitely a job with lots of rope with which to hang yourself, and you'll end up getting lots of late night phone calls.