Maybe? Dunno? But right after I posted that, a bud said he thinks it was the FO flying (less than 50 hours[in type]). Which changes things so who knows??J
IOE? No better time to get your first landings then day vfr.
Maybe? Dunno? But right after I posted that, a bud said he thinks it was the FO flying (less than 50 hours[in type]). Which changes things so who knows??J
IOE? No better time to get your first landings then day vfr.
The glide slope is out at SFO due to construction. They are moving the antenna to make for a 300 foot displaced threshold as part of a new FAA mandate. I had heard the papis were out intermittently. Weather very good though. Asiana had expat Captains until end of 2011. Pressure from KAL pilots union forced Korean transport ministry to deny visas for foreign pilots. Word was all the ex pats were let go all at once and sent home on the next flight. Has to make you wonder how deep the bench is in the left seat when they were flying ex pat captains until less 19 months ago.
A rare eyewitness account that's reliable. All of the mostly speculation by totally aviation clueless, cable news hot blond bimbos, was sickening!My inbound emails today included the following ...
Here is an email from a United crew holding short of the runway as the Asiana B-777 approached:
I'm probably mixing a lot of stuff up here…but 10K hours surely trumps any US military aviator's logbook when transitioning to the Majors, and haven't we always been told that the first time ANYONE flies "in the show"…it's with fare-paying butts in the seats (all TMS time to date being in a sim)?Damn Yahoo changed the story, here is a Reuters report saying the guy had almost 10,000 hours but less than 50 in the 777.
A rare eyewitness account that's reliable. All of the mostly speculation by totally aviation clueless, cable news hot blond bimbos, was sickening!
So they had a stick shaker and no one did any thing until 3.5 seconds later when go around was called for? Yikes!
No such thing as a FLCH trap if you click off the AT's and engage your right arm with your brain.
The briefer is the hottest govt agency chair of all time.
The briefer is the hottest govt agency chair of all time.