Thanks, squeeze.
As he said, I sure didn't mean to start anything by correcting you, CORPSviation...just wanted to give you the correct explanation for what you were talking about. We're all in the same discussion here...don't piss in waters you can't first swim in. Besides, the fact that I read so much into simple questions was a major fault when I first took the ASTB. I read WAAAY to deeply into some of the mechanical comp. questions and tried to justify the exact answer...when all the question was looking for was a round-about, in the ballpark figure. So, always remember Navy!
Now, like I said before about the study guide, and like so many others have said, you really won't find a better preparation source than the Arco book. It was the one that was recommended to me by several Naval Aviators and NFO's, as well as my OPO. As well, make sure you definitely take the AF section of the book, as their tests are much more in depth and slightly more difficult than the Navy/MC section. The material is pretty much the same, just a little harder. So, if you do good on the AF section, you can do extremely well on the Navy/MC section. Its like having two practice tests in one book.
So, altogether...get the Arco book, which is on for $16.97 at . Go through this section by section and make a note of whatever area(s) you are weak on. Then, before taking the AF practice test, try to look up some information on those areas and study the specifics that you need help on. Afterwards, take the AF test and honestly grade yourself as if you were taking it for real, but don't time yourself. See where you messed up on and go back to the material for those areas again. Then, lastly, take the Navy/MC test...after doing everything else first...and again, honestly grade yourself and this time, time yourself. You will be surprised how amazingly well you will do on the Navy/MC test after preparing through the AF test and studying the material that you are weak on.
Okay...sorry this is long-winded...after you finish ALL of the above, then make your appointment for taking the real ASTB as soon as possible. You don't want to wait too long because you don't want to have the material slip away from your memory, but at the same time you don't want to do it the same day you finish the study guide. Give yourself, if you can, about a day or two after you finish the guide before you take the real test. Eat a high carb meal...pasta, pizza, breads, etc...the night before the test, just like you would do with any other test. Get a good night sleep...I had to take sleeping pills so that I would actually GET to sleep...and wake up to a good breakfast. Then...let the games begin!
Follow this outline for preparation and you should do just fine. Remember, though, you only get 1 more chance to take the test after the first try, so try to make the first one as good as you can. Do all of this and everything should work out great.
Good luck and let me know if you have anymore questions! I hope this helps at least a little!!!