Meeting with XO
Alright, had the meeting with my XO.
Apparently NSTC sees the new formula as a better way to evaluate Midshipmen.
He didn't mention how it affects OCS, and I didn't ask because he seemed to be in a hurry and I was late b/c of my eye exam (which went splendidly, thanks).
Apparently some of the more senior PNS's (20-25+ years, and theres only a handfull with that much time in as NROTC CO's) get together every year at the PNS conference and talk about where improvements can be made in the overall NROTC system. My CO brought up the story of a graduating female midshipman who got lower than her normal PNS points for her package b/c she had a party at her place one night and a mid got caught drinking under-age by the cops. So, based on her performance that semester, she got low CO points (from our now retired CO). Well apparently this screwed with her standing on the ship-selection roster and she was way further down on the list than both she and the unit staff thought she should be. EDIT
So, our CO took this story down to Pensacola for the anual PNS conference and other CO's had similar stories (overall "great" midshipmen with a screw up here or there were getting d-cked over b/c you could only do PNS points for the most recent semester), so they made an amendment and it passed. Hence the new formula where Mids are graded based off their overall battalion performance and ability to lead, and it counts for more of a percentage (40%).
The XO also said that while the ASTB scores don't go into the formula anymore, that people with 7's and 8's will be looked upon higher than those that just got the bare minimum of 4's and 5's to qualify. ***This statement really confused me as to why the ASTB had been taken out in the first place if they were still going to give "weight" to good scores, if nothing else in their minds.*** But I didn't question him, as I said earlier, he was in a hurry and I was late getting there.
I know it is long winded, but it's important that people hear about this stuff.