Though I do agree with you with e-mails and things like that, I do not regard none military websites a area of military rank or anything like that. Many people play online type of games with military officers and I would more then happy to call some of them assholes and the other way around. Yes, you should respect everyone all the time, yes you shouldn't call people assholes, mostly officers, but in a case like this... the guy was kidding around on an internet forum none the less and a few of the forum members freaked out about it. I mean how kiddish can you get. Not to call anyone here a nerd (in fear of getting ridiculed) but it starting to sound like a few of the members on this forum may be just that
^That's the whole point. What timeline do you think it is acceptable to draw that conclusion of "kiddish" with people on here? After 36 posts? Or after said posters 33 posts? Are you on an informal level like that with anyone on AW already? By your above response you've shown you know when it is acceptable, and that you know what's not acceptable. When playing video games online, maybe during a sport there is really nothing to disagree about.