New Member
Like the other's said, your scores are pretty shit hot. I got 6/6/7, GPA 2.7 and I picked up SNA. Which means if I got SNA, any one can ;-)
I'm doing an internship this summer. I was thinking either Oceana or Pax River. Do you have any recommindations?
I'm a 3rd class Midshipman at the U.S Merchant Marine Academy. I took the ASTB last week and got a score of 8 on the AQR, 8 on the PFAR and 7 on the FOFAR. I am considering retaking it to get a higher score. I talked to my naval science teacher and she said that the scores were pretty competitive. I know there are several factors used to determine flight school selection, but I was wondering if anybody knew the average scores for people who are acceppted as SNAs. Thanks.
Hey Gentlemen, a few questions....
1) Do ASTB scores count anything else besides being selected for flight school?
2) I heard that the Navy only requires pilots to reach the minimum to be considered for flight school. So the better your score doesn't help your package. True/false?
3) I just got my scores back and I was curious as to what they mean. I got 7/8/7/58. I overheard someone say like pilot, NFO, officers aptitude but wasn't exactly sure what they were referring to. Thanks in advance and go gators. :icon_tong
Hi, I took the ASTB last week and got 4/4/4 and 46. Where do I go from here? GPA is 3.2 at Waldorf College. I have good recommendations, are my scores competitive?
What is up everyone? I have a small issue and I would like everyone's opinion please. I have taken the ASTB twice and the last time I took it I had a 6/6/4 42. I know my scores are not high enough for the Navy but pass me for the Marines to be a pilot. I have always wanted to be a pilot in the Navy but am now scared to death to take the test again and risk getting lower scores and being knocked out of everything. In your opinion what should I do or what would you do if you were me? I haven't been on airwarriors in a while and since then I have been a Flight instructor in Kentucky and am ready to either go Marines or try again and do better on the ASTB. What should I DO?